VIST-470 - Assignment 10 - Photon Mapping
When trying to test the code from the Advanced Renderman book that was provided on ecampus 3delight kept crashing on me when I tried to...

VIST 470 - Ambient Occlusion
In this assignment we were tasked with using ambient occlusion as our main light source in our scene. I started with looking at the...

VIST-470 Assignment 8 - Ray Tracing
For this assignment we re-visted the previous assignment 5, but we were tasked with using ray tracing instead of shadow maps and...

VIST 470- Assignment 7 - Volume Shader
For this assignment we were tasked with creating a volume shader. *** Disclaimer Wix doesn't support txt file documents so I had to...

VIST 470 - Assignment 6
This week we were tasked with creating procedural textures and displacements. We needed to use different forms of noise, turbulence, etc...

VIST 470 - Shadow and Reflections Shaders
For this assignment we were tasked with using environment maps, and shadow maps to create a compelling image. I first began looking over...

VIST 470 - Ring Light Shader
The assignment this week was to use a spot light to create a ring light. I first created a basic spot light which has a outer limit on it...

VIST 470 - Transparent & Emboss Shaders
We were tasked with creating two shaders from scratch. One would be a transparent shader while the other was to be an emboss displacement...

VIST 470 - Creating RIB Files
The assignment this week for my VIST 470 class was to create a RIB file. In this RIB file we were asked to create a space scene that had...

VIST 470 - Organic Object Recreation
The assignment was to pick a organic object, and take photos of it. Once we had taken photos we were tasked with recreating this image in...